<Attachment Control Name> Registry entry

Specifies restrictions for the attachment of external Parties records to a Registration so that only records valid for the time frame of the record can be attached.


This Registry entry can be assigned to users and groups:

Key 1UserUserGroupGroup
Key 2useruserDefaultDefault
Key 3TableTableTableTable
Key 4tableDefaulttableDefault
Key 5Control
Key 6column
Key 7Attachment table



is the name of a control (identified using Field Level Help).

The name of the control is specified in Key 5 to cover situations where there are two attachment fields in a link grid control so that each column can have its own set of restrictions.


name of a column in Control.

Attachment tablealmost invariably the Parties module (eparties), but not restricted to eparties.


is a semicolon separated list of column=value pairs.

When column is a text column and an OR query is required, the value may contain the OR values separated by \n.

When column is a date column, the following syntax may be applied:

column=>={Module Column:NULL)

This means that the column we are querying must have a value that is greater than or equal to the value that is present in the column in the registration module or it may be NULL (empty). Likewise <= (less than or equal to) may also be used.


This entry specifies that when attaching a Parties record in the funeral home field in the Deaths module, the search in Parties should only look for records that are of type Funeral Director or Funeral Home and the end date for the period of activity for the funeral home must either be greater than the date of Death or empty and the start date for the period of activity for the funeral home must either be less than the date of death or empty:

Key 1 Group
Key 2 Default
Key 3 Table
Key 4 edeaths
Key 5 AllDetFuneralHomeRbx
Key 6FuneralHomeName
Key 7eparties
Value NamPartyType=Funeral Director\nFuneral Home;HisEndLatestDate=>={DeceasedDateOfDeath:NULL}; HisBeginEarliestDate=<={DeceasedDateOfDeath:NULL}